The stragg database function is useful for converting a subquery returning multiple rows into a single column containing a comma separated list of values.
I often use this function to display one of the columns in a row of data. I recently had to format this so that each stragged item in the list displayed on it's own line.
is the technique I used
The example subquery below will return a comma separated list of labels for a customer. I'm only showing this one column selected for brevity but this would be one of many in the select clause.
The code in red was added to append a line feed character "chr(10)" to the beginning of each element in the list. The substr(val,2) removes it
from the 1st element so that it doesn’t begin with a line feed.
(SELECT substr(stragg(chr(10) || label ),2)
FROM customer_label
WHERE customer_label.account_id = account.account_id
) labels,
FROM ....
Line feed characters are normally ignored in html but you
can force them to be honored by applying a style of “white-space: pre-line”
add a style of pre to your output text within your table column
value="#{row.label} styleClass="pre" />
The pre style is defined in SkinBasic.css (or whatever name is your custom skin)
/*** make line feed characters wrap. For displaying line feed in
table column ***/
white-space: pre-line;
You could have also used inline style
value="#{row.label} inlineStyle="white-space: pre-line;" />